The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Child-proof soda cans

*rant sequence initiated*

I've taken a lot of various medications throughout the years, so many in fact that I can't even hazard a guess as to what the actual number of different pills the doctors have shoved down my throat could even total up too. Over 100 easily, and probably closer to twice that number. But my point about that is that I have had to open bottles of pills countless times, and a decent amount of those have had child-proof caps. As you all know, most of those are not too hard to open and most children can open them just as easily as adults (sometimes easier than the 'old' people lol.) Occasionally ya run across a bottle that is tricky to open up but is always manageable. So what I want to know is why they make cans of soda so damn difficult to open! The vast majority of soda seems to have the pull tab virtually glued to the freaking can. You try to get a fingernail under the tab to pry it up enough to get some leverage and "OUCH!", fingernail gets bent backwards. Try to wedge your fingertip under the tab and you just get painfully pinched. I keep checking but have yet to find a screwdriver listed as equipment needed to disassemble the can, and trust me, you pretty much need one if you want to aviod a minor annoyance injury getting the thing opened up just so you can drink a sugar and caffeine loaded carbonated (yet tasty) beverage. They encourage you to drink this stuff everywhere you turn then slap you in the face when you try to do it. Is it some type of subtle psychological trick to encourage you to buy bottles of soda instead because they cost more which means more profits for them? It is ridiculous that I can open a bottle of deadly pills easier than the drink to wash them down with. Grrrrr.

*rant sequence shutdown in 5...4...3...2...1, finalized*

Oh yes, I totally went there.

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