The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fun Times at the River

It's the simple things in life in which we derive the bestest of pleasures. For example: poking things with a stick. And the next best thing to poking things with a stick is a video game about poking something with a stick, or to be more specific, a corpse floating down a river. What more possibly needs said to send y'all sprinting away to play it. Absolutely nothing, that's right, so click here, go have fun, and stay up late, you deserve it.

Why are you still reading this!?! Let the poking comense.


Melissa said...

Totally insane, but loads of fun! Lizzybeth, you are a treasure!

Love ya,
Melissa XX

Caroline said...

Didn't do very well, couldn't even get bird flu. Not really a game player so that may explain it. Starting to believe the half demoness thing now though. at least it shows that you are not floating down a river.

Caroline x