The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I'm been a bit busy lately and neglecting things here... um, too bad so sad, blah blah blah. I did however actually clean up nice for work today and decided to post a pic as proof and give me a reason to at least write some type of pointless drivel so y'all know that I am still alive.

The reason I have been away from the whole blogging world lately and mostly ignoring everyone else's blogs as well other than a quick speed read scan every few days is due to my PS3 dying on me a couple weeks ago. Since that happened everyone in my house (all 3 of us) have started playing a free mmorpg called Destiny. We are playing on the Penguin server if anyone decides to join in. It is kinda a cute game (much to my roommates disgust) and they complain to me a bit too often that it had to have been designed by a group of chicks (hooray, I sure as hell hope so). But that is what has been sucking away my free time, and speaking of which, is exactly where I am off to now.

Um, never mind, I got a game to get to...


the CFG said...

Cute dress! Cute game! gah

Caroline said...

What happens 2012? end of world, buried by all that snow falling in summer on your pic?

Caroline x

Calie said...

Liz, you look great! Really!