The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fairness for all

Due to our boring lives in my 'lil house, we decided to truck on over to the next county over in order to go visit their county fair. We came to that exciting decision yesterday after seeing commericals for it on the TV's at the plasma donation center (which we saw played several times). Let's just say that it was a bit of an underwhelming experience but considering that we honestly did not have any thing better to do, it was alright in that comparison. At least I got a nice picture out of it and got to wear a cute dress that spends almost the entire time hanging in my closet, lost and forgotten.

Yeah I'm cuter than you, deal with it, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


the CFG said...

cuter than a pink and white polka dot box full of kittens with pink ribbon collars (or something) xx

Calie said...

OMG, girl, now if I was 20 years younger and single.....

Ms.LizzyBeth said...

@ Nicky
When I drowned a box of those kittens the other day, maybe it rubbed off on me?

@ Calie
Um, 20 years ago you might have worn that same dress??? (just guessing on how that sentence was supposed to end).

alan said...

Damn you clean up nice!

Especially the smile!
