The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Fishy Tale

As I was driving around in my car (um, as compared to what the hell else obviously) I noticed once again a sign for a "Jonas Fish Fry." Those have always kinda snagged my interest because I have never had an opportunity to go to one. I do enjoy seafood but think that calling it a "fish fry" is a bit misleading. Now I understand that the whole marketing/advertising thing along with our undereducated population is going to mandate that the word "fish" be used, but from a technical standpoint, whales are mammals and not fish. Granted that they sure as hell look like a fish and with their stomping grounds being in the water, it is hard to make a case against the whole fish logo so I'll just roll with it.

Now I have no idea if I would enjoy the taste of whale meat or not, but I do want to go to one of those Jonas Fish Fry events to find out. My legal knowledge is kinda hazy at best but I think that they do have a controlled limit on hunting whales which is why the churches only have this event a couple times a year.

I did have a friend of mine try to tell me that it is just fish at those and that it wasn't Jonas that was swallowed by a whale anyway. My reply, "Jonas ... Geppetto ... whoever. It doesn't matter cause they are all fairy tales anyway, I just wanna try some whale meat."

Sometimes it just isn't worth the effort to argue with me.

Betcha almighty Zeus is a bit angry over this blasphemy.


Melissa said...

You outta go. I'm sure you'll have a....ahem.....whale of a time!

Melissa XX

alan said...

Long as you don't end up with Geppetto's scraps...they might not fry so nicely!
