The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Sorry, I've been rather non-rantic lately. That is what happens when I spend too much time hidden away in the secret lair avoiding the world which tends to spark my anger. Hmmmm, maybe unemployment isn't such a bad thing after all.

The picture is a clip from The Order of the Stick #724.


alan said...

You must be smarter than I; I can turn on this idiot box or it's cousin the squawk one and find thousands of things that irk me, both current and past!


Calie said...

OK, talk to me, girl...

What's this unemployment thing? Did I miss something?

Calie xx

Ms.LizzyBeth said...

Unemployment is, um, basically the opposite of, er, employment? I guess you missed the public notice at the start of Feb. this year that I was no longer in the "selling my skills for money" (damn, that sounds bad, minds out of the gutter) and currently am still searching for gainful employment (one of those job thingies).