The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Santa Foamy

I got just greatest thing ever out of the blue right when I needed something special the most. About 2 weeks ago I was talking with #4's boyfriend about trying to find a Santa hat for my Foamy doll that I set out on my toolbox at work every night. Then 2 days ago I get a text to come over to the car when he picks #4 up after work because he had something he thought I might be interested in. Ended up being a good night to do that because even though it was a slick walk across the parking lot, my car was a polygon of ice from the freezing rain we had been receiving all day. Lo and behold, a tiny little Santa hat was waiting for me. He wasn't sure it would fit very well but tried it on #4's doll (I bought him one and you can see him in all kinds of awesome pics from #4's hike this summer in the slideshow on the side.) So I stuck it on the doll I have at my house for the picture (on top of my dvd's, left of a rack of videogames, right of a physics demo showing center of balance [nerd alert] and the little jar holding my old D&D dice [double nerd alert, lol.]).

It is sooo adorable, and the guys that walk by kinda roll their eyes but the few women get a huge smile and their eyes light up when they walk by it. And on a more evil note (I'm half demoness, remember) it is turning out to be an interesting field test gaydar because a few guys we suspect of being buried in the closet have shown reactions closer to the women's (I know it's not very accurate but damn it, somedays I'm just bored as hell at work and have to amuse myself somehow.)

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