The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, January 12, 2009

1 down, 49 to go

Weeks is what the title refers to. That is correct, I said weeks, damn it! Today marks the end of my first week of school for this year (school week is Tuesday - Monday, don't ask me why, it's just how things work there.) And I spend 50 out of 52 weeks officially in class with the only break at the end of the year holiday's, hooray.

I'm stuck with another English Composition class which I am less than ecstatic over, and the only salvation is that I at least got stuck with it while I am job searching and can give it extra unwanted attention. Blech. I think I would rather almost go hang out at a fancy schmancy coffee shop instead, that is how enthused I am about this class, lol.

I need to finish my resume and get it updated with the additional machines and work history and start hunting for a job this week. I may be able to snag something local, but that seems unlikely. Might be able to find something in a half hour radius, but that also seems iffy. Or there is the big city (Indianapolis) which is just a shade over an hour to reach the very edge, and who knows how much further driving to get to whatever point in the city proper. As much as I hate to move, it seems to be the most likely prospect, and will most likely be out of state (Houston, Texas where my friends live and the cnc machinist jobs flow like water out of a leaky rain barrel.)
And those 2 videos I posted yesterday are from a cartoon (duh) called Freakazoid! that was sort lived due to it being too clever for it's target audience and actually watched mostly by young adults. Had it been ran a few years later after the adult cartoon phenomenon hit, I believe it would have had better success, maybe. But anyways, I thought about that show while I was sitting around watching episodes of The Tick on dvd and had to look it up just to see if there was anything posted (hooray, obviously there was, lol.) So here is the opening to the show and to today still remains in my top 10 favorite cartoon openings.

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