The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why I never got married

This 10 second video of the "OFFICIAL EXPLANATION" as to why I avoided marriage.

(Now for the 'unofficial explanation.') I get asked from time to time if I had ever considered marriage, and honestly, I have had the thought race around inside my head like a little insane nascar driver. But I always kept myself out of any situation (for the most part) that had any potential of eventually leading in that direction. I knew how something like that would eventually end up and never wanted to put someone through all of that. Of course, that also cemented me into a life of loneliness and isolation, but before anyone starts to get teary-eyed over my self imposed misery, remember that I chose it to be that way not out of some self noble sacrifice, but because I am simply too lazy to want to deal with the emotional train wreck of an angry misunderstanding husband. Everyone who has had to deal and is currently dealing with marriage issues and problems, my heart goes out to y'all and it may make my pathetic lonely life seem a shade bit more attractive in that light. But there is some sort of saying about how "it's better to have loved and been stabbed in the heart than to never had needed emergency open heart surgery at all" or something like that.

Ha! Just when everyone thought I would go an entire week without posting anything, I trick you all by slipping this in right before the deadline falls, boo-yah!

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