The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

More great cooking tips by Aunt Lizzy

Yesterday I discovered a small piece of terrific tip goodness while fixing myself a snack that is happily going straight from my kitchen into your eager little ears. For those of you out there who own a Fry Daddy, if you have left it stored for about a year, even with the cover on, don't use the oil that had been left in it when you shoved it out of the way all those months ago. Not only does it pump out noxious fumes when plugged in, but it makes the food you cook in it taste rather poorly and quite possibly poisonous. I learned this lesson the hard way which honestly was a lot less enjoyable than the way y'all are discovering this tip. After I managed to hold my breath and keep my eyes closed to slits so that I was able to fish the food out of the device, the first bite tasted horrible, just simply horrible. However, the second bite drove home the realization of just how big of a mistake the first bite had been.

Yes, no joke, I seriously did that and it is 100% true story (and how did I ever wish it wasn't.) So there y'all go. Um, knowledge is power!?!

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