The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Reminds me of when I was a little girl. You can click the picture to be taken to that episode of the webcomic and see it as a larger picture.

Yes, my monster dolls did act like that.


chrissieB said...

When I was playing "upstairs" (ie, not hidden in the cellar), I used to borrow my sister's dolls and use them as giant monsters in my battles with X-Men, etc...


Melissa said...

When my twin sister got her first Barbie doll, I was so jealous! Of course with the narrow minded attitude my mother had about gender rolls, I didn't dare let on. She thought boys who used shampoo to wash their hair, instead of a bar of soap were sissies.

Love your new pic with the kids! Are those your nephews?

Melissa XX

Ms.LizzyBeth said...

Those are the infamous nephews, and we are awaiting to see who develops the supernatural curses like me & my sister got. Hopefully none of them them little boys did & we all do keep a close eye on them just in case.