The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Last Song

It took me over a week of debating to give in and post this blog. I was hesitant because it is a direction that I rarely wander off in although I know y'all delight in smirking at the proof that I am a bit of a girly girl (no wonder I rarely play the part of a sweet, loving bloggeress).

As the title suggests, I did go see the movie "The Last Song." Hmmm, I damn near ended the blog right here just out of pure spite, *sigh*

But anyways, when I went up to my Mom's for Easter weekend, 2 of my bestest girlfriends called me wanting me to go to the movies with them. I was less than thrilled over the idea of going to see a chick flick but they insisted, er, more like threatened to literally pick me up and carry me out of the house to their car and drag me into the theater bound and gagged if they had to (not much of a choice on my part).

Now let me interject here for a moment: my natural reaction to chick flicks is that I hate them, however in reality that is far from the truth, it's just my automatic response. I love those girly movies and have watched them my whole life, and turn into the cliche mushy hearted girl riding the rollercoaster of emotions following the characters. It just hurts my tough girl half-demoness image, but that is something I am slowly worried about less and less as I am getting older and finding it harder and harder to deny that the little bit of a girly girl that I am is actually a hella lot bigger than I try to let on.

So it was a very sweet movie and I was enthralled by it (unsurprisingly) but then for like the last hour (??? something like that) it turned terribly sad. The rest of the movie had the entire theater of girls (I did spot a few men who were regretting being forced to go lol) were crying for that last hour, and I seriously mean every girl there (yes, including me). If you listened, you heard sniffle after sniffle all around and could see girls wiping their eyes in the dim light.

My friends did tease me a bit on the ride home for trying to deny that I was crying during the movie, er, not the cleverest thing to try to trick them with since they were sitting right beside me LOL. And I cried again some more as I laid in bed that night thinking about the movie. And then I cried a little bit more a few times over the next few days as well before I finally settled down.

Now I do have a good reason for my additional tears after the movie was over. I also watched my father die right in front of me a few years ago. It was a quick death that happened unexpectedly and was done and over in a matter of a number of short minutes, unlike the much slower over a few months death that her father in the movie went through. But when she saw him pass away in his chair at his house I knew I would be feeling the sadness and hurt for a while from the parallel to my own life. I never did cry for my father whom I loved deeply and miss everyday, but seeing a movie like that did touch a painful part of my heart.

I really did love that movie and will be buying it when it comes out on DVD but it is one that I will not watch too often because I know it will bring out the tears each and every time.

Oops, forgot to post that "spoiler alert" notice at the top, um, better late than never.


Melissa said...

I never once doubted that you were girly girl LizzyBeth. Your picture tell me that, but apparently our half demoness, has a warmer heart than she lets on too.

Melissa XX

Samantha Shanti said...

Nice review, and thanks for the heads up. Maybe it's not time for me to see that yet... As to crying, hey now and then it's a good thing, it can make you stronger.

chrissieB said...

No smirking here, pet....

I still tned to avoid films that open my tear ducts.

I have yet to watch Titanic for that very reason....

But a recent viewing of The Bodyguard saw Kleeniex Tissue sales shoot up in the nearets town, as I went through a two packets.

Oh well... hormones...


Caroline said...

I have over half a century of tears backed up for films like that. now it feels like the tap is just left open and I love it!

Caroline xxx

Rebecca said...

Ah!!! The truth comes out!! Don't try to deny that you're a girl in the future. We will never believe :)

Ms.LizzyBeth said...

Hee hee, like you believed my denials anyway lol. But they say admitting it is the first step lol.

Calie said...

I just can't help but cry in those movies and being in a male shell doesn't help matters.

I'm sorry to hear about your father. I blogged once about not crying when mine died. It did finally happen, months after I blogged about it. I woke up bawling my eyes out with a pillow that was soaking wet. I'm sure a shrink would have a field day with that one.

Calie xxx