The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July eve everyone

I did my good deed of the day. My landlady and her boyfriend have a nice garden in my backyard and I've been taking photos of it every couple of days with my cell phone and emailing the pictures to myself for the past month. When they start picking all the food out of it I am going to make a slideshow dvd from the pictures. Since I went over and paid my rent today (about a week and a half early as I normally try to do) I burnt a quickly put together dvd using the pictures I have already taken. It wasn't very long but it was neat for them to see how much it has grown and gives them an idea of what the final dvd will look like, except I will add music and dates to the pictures.

I will be going to my mom's house tomorrow morning (I am supposed to go to a birthday party at the club tonight but considering my mood I doubt I will bother). My 2 oldest nephews are going to go firework shopping with me so I can set off a bunch of explosions. I may have to go ahead and drink some before I start the firework show because nothing goes better with alcohol than explosives (and firearms of course) lol.

Boom boom boom.

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