The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My date of death is age 70

My teacher listed a website that will predict your life expectancy and after taking the test it calculated that my current lifestyle will end when I am 70 years old at which time I will move into a nice casket or urn depending on what is done with my cold, lifeless body (or perhaps end up in some medical lab if I get sold instead, those poor scientists lol.) The interesting thing is that after the test it tells you what your potential age that you could live to can be if you change some of your bad habits. Mine is 103 if I alter a few simple things. If you are brave you can take the test here, but if you are too scared, that's ok too. I'll just tell you the same thing I tell #4 all the time, "I could show up wearing a dress and everyone would still think I'm more of a man than you are!" Now go get on your little girl bike and pedal back home crying if you won't take the test.

Honestly 70 was a higher number than I thought I would get and most of the options for extending my life are stuff I have recently started implementing but didn't list them in my test answers. And making fun of those who don't want to take the test is definitely not nice but I have never claimed to be a nice girl, constantly rant about stuff, and continually remind y'all that I am half demoness, so why is anybody surprised by my comments? MUHAHAHA!!!

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