The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, November 17, 2008

An entire wasted year

As I was getting ready for bed and stepped outside for a ciggy before I laid down, I had the great idea to calculate out how many ciggies I have smoked thru the years. It was a horrifying number that even estimating lowly, still seemed incomprehensible. So I turned that into a dollar amount and discovered that I have roughly spent an entire years salary on them. Damn. Effing screw those things, I would have spent the money in bits and pieces elsewhere but seeing that number was the shock I needed to finally quit for good. So I am making sure I remember this mood by posting from my cell as I lie on my bed (and cry myself to sleep.)

If I seem bitchier than usual this week you now know why. I'll try to tone it down but stress always brings out the demoness side when I deal with people and then I cry my eyes out when I have time alone. Bring on the emotional roller coaster and let's get this over with.

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