The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My wasted day

Unsurprisingly I woke up early after a night of little sleep. So in order to distract myself I went to the grocery store and made myself a nice lunch for a change (even though I hate cooking for 1 person and can't seem to get the hang making that little food.) With a lot of time to kill I also made rice krispy treats coated in hershey chocolate bars to take to work with me. I figured that would be a good distraction to prevent anyone from possibly noticing the pain in my eyes, and even if by some odd chance they did, those might have a chance of tricking them into thinking I was fine. Because who the hell would make treats for their coworkers if they were in a bad mood (non-poisoned ones I obviously mean lol.)

Told y'all I would totally blow off and ignore my bad mood in a few days, it's already starting to happen, screw dealing with issues when you can eat chocolate coated and crunchy cereal marshmellow bar thingies instead. Hooray!

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