The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


--- embarrassing story team go ---

I am totally exhausted, stuck staying up to get enough notes written for me to be able to write my reports that are due tomorrow while I am at work. Got to get up early, about 7am or so (1:30am right now as I write this) and drive over an hour for an appointment, blech. It is also trash day and they pick it up before I ever climb out of bed so as I was picking up trash around my house I checked my mousetrap since I haven't seen any running around for a few days and when I opened it gingerly and glanced inside didn't see one, but thought I saw a string which meant that the tail had come off the last mouse I caught. So I opened it back up and sure enough there was a mousetail in there and it was still attached to the mouse which I wasn't expecting. So I screamed and dropped the trap. Luckily the mouse didn't fall out onto my floor so I carefully dumped it into a trash bag and proceeded to gather the rest of my debris. I grabbed and empty beer box and forgetting that I had tossed a ball of lint into it instead of walking the extra 3 feet to the bin last week once again screamed and dropped the box mistaking the lint for another mouse.

--- end of embarrassing story ---

Yes, I know, the girl who has no worries wandering off into demon infested woods at night and alone is scared of dead mice. Strangely enough the live ones don't spook me as long as I don't have to touch them, and I see them run around my floors way too often.

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