The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ha, I bet y'all are expecting a deeply heartfelt and sad post about the feelings of helplessness obtained from a depressing "kick in the teeth" society full of apathetic drones drifting thru a vibrant color palette of life which they only ever see in shades of ash. Sorry, just a misleading title (although I was starting to get into a groove there, lol.)

On the good side of my insomnia however is that I can get away without much makeup because my eyes always look like I have a slightly purplish pinkish eyeshadow on all the time (um, unless I cover it with a different color obviously, lol.) Goal! Demoness scores a point, muhahaha.

I was gonna write more but my brain blanked out, damn human half needing her beauty sleep.

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