The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 year old I.Q.

Granted that I am simply cute and adorable, yet that does not make me talk like a freaking child. For god's sake, I'm just a couple weeks away from my 35th birthday. So I wonder why the hell do some of the other girls I know feel the need to use words like "nummy" or "boo boo" or "potty," seriously, WTF!!! This is part of their normal conversation with other adults.

Now I totally understand the whole mommy thing (OK, sort of understand it since I only have had 3 nephews to deal with and none of my own brats as of yet) but unless you are speaking to a child those types of annoying baby talk should not be used. Hell, neither my sister or I have ever spoken like that to the 3 boys other than when they were infants. They were raised (like my sister and me) using real language like we would need to be able to speak during our entire lives. When I was a young half-demoness child (before my first baby fangs grew in) I spoke more like an adult than these women who have hit middle age or later.

It does not matter how smart or talented she may be, as soon as she describes a sandwich as "nummy" I am unable to help deducting at least 50 I.Q. points from her perceived intelligence immediately. Give me a long enough conversation and I start to wonder if she might not be a zombie due to her apparently having a -300 I.Q. with no obvious brain function. If you want to act like a child you can damn sure bet I'm going to treat you like one, and also like the kind who should be wearing a helmet on their head 24/7.

If you have a "boo boo" try snagging a picnic basket to make yourself feel better instead of bothering me with the mumbled details with your negative intelligence.


alan said...

Smarter than the average bear...


Samantha Shanti said...

Way, way smarter than your average person, the heck with the poor bear!