The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Game not quite over

Ok, I actually played my new (and improved?) Wolverine game last night. I admit that I was kinda nervous because (1) movie tie-in games always suck & (2) I still have nightmares from the game on the PS2 a few years back (if you played it you know exactly what I meant). The new (and improved?) game is actually pretty kick ass. I had enough blood drenched mutant healing factor slice and dice fun that I stayed up until almost 7am this morning playing it (I got home at 1:30am from work). So yeah, I am hella tired but it was sooooo worth it, and I'll do it again tonite at least to the time when my eyes burn too bad to see very well.

By the way Mr. Jeff, you will be happy to know that it does not take 8 hours to kill Wendigo in this game (superfist of the bad memory... full body shiver attack!)

1 comment:

Jeff said...

ha, even after 8 or more hours windego did not die. happy slice and dice.