The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Too damn cute, apparently

Ya can't really tell in the picture on my last post but that shirt is a really pretty teal-ish color. But I am wearing it today and walked down to the gas station. The woman working behind the counter said my shirt was sooo cute and asked me a bunch of questions about it. Then when I was leaving she told me that I looked really adorable wearing it. LOL. It hadn't actually crossed my mind but I have to admit that even some of my darkness has taken a girly flavor to it. I'll be damned but that shirt really did turn out rather cute, totally by accident, I swear lol.

I have no idea how a severed bunny head could turn out cute, I really don't, but somehow it did and I like it even better for it ;)

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