The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend was sooo fun (sarcasm if ya missed it)

Yea, I spent half my weekend in bed praying I would blackout. I'm in just enough pain to keep from sleeping more than a half hour tops. It pretty much sucks, been thru it before and will have it again so whining time is over lol.

Time for product placement, hee hee. Tried out Sally Hansen Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen (in Dusk, which is a nonsensible description for pink lol.) I'm rather pleased with it, none of that messy bottle stuff, it is an all-in-one pen that ya click the top to dispense the polish into the tip, kind of like a paint marker. I also got a bottle of Milani Nail Lacquer in Diamond Dazzle, which is basically clear coat with glitter, and looks uber cute over other polish making it all sparkly. Oooohh, sparkles .... what, oh, sorry, got distracted by the sparkly goodness lol.

I didn't get much time spent on my new PS3 game, Monster Madness Grave Danger. It is a lot of fun (not very girly but I still like it.) The video is the xbox version of the game since it has been out alot longer and the PS3 version just came out last week.

Pretty + blah = pretty blah, bwahahaha.

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