The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Medicated induced silliness

I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning my house, actually most of it was laundry and organizing stuff, haven't quite made it ti the cleaning stage yet lol. But with my back hurting and knowing I needed to get up early the next 2 days. I decided that taking one of my sleep pills would probably be a good idea at around midnight. They don't knock me out but when I do lay down I fall asleep rather quickly. However I had a couple quick things I wanted to do before I went to bed so I stayed up for a little while. Now staying awake on this med tends to make me a little bit goofy (ok, ok, goofier lol.) So in the process of putting away some makeup I had sitting out I decided to create a little monument on the top of my shelves in my bathroom. It really did seem like a fun idea at the time lol. And when I woke up this morning and saw that, I cracked up laughing and had to take a picture of it before I put it all away.

I doubt I ever know why I do stuff like that, I think mostly so I can make myself laugh when I think about it later on. Either that or my brain fever is just still running strong lol. (I wish I could blame the meds, but unfortunately there is too much previous evidence proving otherwise lol.)

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