The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Horrible confession time

Just so everyone knows that I do have a human side (which oftentimes is actually worse than my half demoness nature) here are a few confessions which I am not proud of.

1) I have not bothered to shave my legs in about a week (ewww, yuk.)

2) I have only worn makeup once in the past 2 weeks if you don't count the simple basics of mascara and lipstick (I did make myself presentable when I went out to the bar last week was the few hours I did that.)

3) I have been procrastinating doing my schoolwork until I am close to deadline day (but have been doing ok even so.)

4) I still have not quit smoking yet although I was suppose to 6 weeks ago (gonna try Monday, hopefully I have the willpower because although I keep smoking, I haven't been enjoying it for the most part, addiction is funny that way.)

5) Although I have a perfectly good computer one room away, I wrote this on my cell phone while sitting on my front porch smoking (not that bad other than the smoking part again, but it is bad enough to remention.)

Although those really could honestly be a lot worse (and were only a few bad habits) that doesn't make them any better for that fact.

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