The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Messed up proof

More of my saga on how messed up my factory is, and validation on why I'm going back to school. The guy on 3rd shift comes in 4 hours early almost every night, even though we barely have enough work to keep the machines running right now. So instead of telling the other guy that he does not need to be working 12 hours, I get bumped off my machine and told I need to find something else to work on so he can run my machine for overtime and since there was nothing else happening with any of the other machines I can run, I got to go home 2 hours early tonight (I managed to wander around chatting with people for about an hour while trying to hunt down my supervisor lol.) That's right, I said they are paying someone time and a half in order to send someone on straight time home early. Although I usually have something else I can jump over to work on, I shouldn't have to move. If he wants to come in early, he needs to be the one looking for something other than stealing my machine or else turn his ass around and go back home! But of course, 'special rules' apply to him and nothing other than him quitting (unlikely) there is nothing that can be done about it. Even though I don't have to move everyday, the fact that I ever have to irritates me. So there is some of my motivation to work hard at my classes.

I must be feeling the effects from the insomnia because I really toned down this rant because it makes me about as sad as it does angry that I have to deal with such stupid happenstances.

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