The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Everyone point and laugh

Good news everybody, no more pictures, and by default, videos either (hopefully I won't lose the video I made today while waiting for the ban to be lifted). In order to show the futility of special interest groups making demands to have their own unique laws that apply only to them in order to provide them with extra protections, I am comparing this lawmaking folly with the anonymous comment on a blog post from a week ago. Since they refused (OK, they are just a bigger sissy than me and I have worn dresses the past 3 days) and I can't lump them into the general queue of my typical haters out there, I have to afford them "special interest status" and since they were complaining about my pictures I am going to stop doing that, at least until my experiment turns boring (which thanks to my attention span should not last too long).

Screw special interest groups and their whiny "I deserve extra amends since there are only several hundred thousand of us in this state/country/whatever." All that does is start the domino chain crashing down as more and more groups get annoyed that they don't have extra rights as well. Axe them all and just improve the general state of things which benefits everybody regardless of their clique.

I am going to lobby for discounts on virgin blood for demonic rituals since I stopped being able to use my own years ago and the rising costs limit my celebrations nowadays.

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