The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

That time of the month, ... yet again

Yesterday I started the new cycle which comes every 5 weeks. New school class! I am pretty much screwed for this one considering it is an ethics class. Hopefully I am as good as I think I am at bluffing my way through things because ethics is not exactly one of the strong points for a half-demoness. Not at all! However, since my other choice is to drop out of school (there is always a choice people, just because you may not like it does not mean that another option is not there) I am just going to grind my teeth and slink my way through this course by hopefully staying under the radar.

Per tradition (if doing this a few times qualifies as "tradition") here is the picture I used in my introduction post for my new class. And I am still one of the few people who know how to sneak a photo into our message boards although I have heard of another person that managed it in a different class. Yes, I know this picture sucks, no need to remind me (unless you enjoy stabbing at my pride in which case go for it and have some fun, I'm cool with it) but I needed a new and current picture so had to roll with how I looked at the time. At least it is definitely an accurate idea of how I generally look, at least when I have a hoodie on and with my hair pulled back.

Y'all have no idea how close you came to getting the "choices" rant. Surprisingly I managed to hold myself back this time, but don't expect that to happen very often, muhahahaha!

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